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Soumyodeep Dey


School of Physics and Astronomy

University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

A Bit About Me

I am working as a part of AION collaboration at the University of Birmingham with Prof. Michael Holynski. In this project, an atom interferometry setup will be build to impart large momentum transfer (LMT) on a atomic cloud. From the interferometric study, it is possible to estimate gravity at a unprecedented accuracy.

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Research Interest

PhD Work at a Glance :

During my time as a research scholar at Prof. Prem Bisht's Laboratory, IIT Madras, I had access to a well-established laboratory that helped me develop my interest in nonlinear light matter interactions under ultrafast laser excitation. This led me to study the self-phase modulation and spectral broadening of ultrafast laser pulses, as well as higher order nonlinear effects such as stimulated Raman scattering and four wave mixing. To further explore these phenomena, I built a supercontinuum generation setup using photonic crystal fiber and pumping it with nanojoule femtosecond laser pulses. I also investigated the thermal effects that occur when measuring nonlinear parameters of optical materials, using a combination of numerical and experimental methods. My work with Prof. S.P. Singh from the University of Arkansas, USA, motivated me to investigate pump-probe type geometries under continuous wave laser conditions, which resulted in the generation of a ring-shaped beam similar to Laguerre Gaussian vortex beams. By comparing the phase profile of the thermally induced beam with that of the LGV beam through interferometric study, I found a distinctly different phase structure. Additionally, I had the opportunity to contribute to the building of a Non-colinear Optical Parametric Amplifier and a Transient Absorption setup during my PhD tenure. My experience in these areas motivates me to explore further research into structured beam generation and its application in quantum optics and optical trapping experiments.

Current Research Interest :

Educational background

2008: Madhyamik (Secondary Examination) from Arambagh High School

2010: Higher Secondary Examination from Arambagh High School

2010 - 2013: Bachelor of Science (Physics) from Ramakrishna Mission Residential college (Autonomous), Narendrapur

2013 - 2015: Master in Science (Physics) from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

2015 - 2016: Project assistant (JRF), sponsored by DRDO, at IC&SR, IIT Madras

2016 - 2021: Research Scholar in the Department of Physics, IIT Madras

2022 Jul - Dec: Postdoctoral researcher in the project titled "Quantum Information, Communication and Computing" at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras

2023 - Present: Postdoctoral researcher in the project titled "Quantum Gravity Sensing" at the School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham

Scholastic Achievements

Work Experience

Senior Project Officer (Jan-Feb 2022)

Project: 'Development of Laser Measurement Devices' sponsored by Laser Science Pvt. Ltd

In this project, femtosecond pulse have been measured with an intensity autocorrelator. The instrument has been developed in-house with all the required electronics and software by ourselves which has few femtosecond time resolution. This work involved to move a mirror inside a reflective interferometer with high precision (0.5 μm step-size). The movement was achieved by controlling a piezo actuator and custom-built electronic circuit (DAC). The movement and data acquisition were achieved by an Arduino microcontroller and a python-based application with graphical user interface.

Research Activity


  1. "Ring shaped fs supercontinuum with a thermally induced self-diffraction effect", Soumyodeep Dey, Sugandh Sirohi, Surendra Singh, and Prem Bisht, Applied Optics Vol. 61, No. 32 (2022); doi.org/10.1364/AO.473714

  2. "Investigation of thermal nonlinearity due to nJ high repetition rate fs pulses on wrinkled graphene", Soumyodeep Dey, Sudhakara Reddy Bongu, Vijay Kumar Sagar and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 38, No. 6 (2021); doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.420119

  3. "Study of a dark core beam generated by nonlinear thermo-optical effect", Soumyodeep Dey, Sailaja Rallabandi, Surendra Singh and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Optics & Laser Technology 134, 106652 (2021); doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2020.106652

  4. "Broad band nonlinear optical absorption measurements of the laser dye IR26 using white light continuum Z-scan", Soumyodeep Dey, Sudhakara Reddy Bongu, and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Journal of Applied Physics 121, 113107 (2017); doi.org /10.1063/1.4978762

  5. "Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beam for reduced thermal effects in nonlinear optical studies", Sugandh Sirohi, Soumyodeep Dey, Tulika Agrawal, Surendra Singh and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Optics Communications Volume 537, 129468 (2023); doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129468

  6. "Single nanoparticle sensing and waveguide applications using photonic nanojet from an array of shaped microparticles", Tulika Agrawal, Soumyodeep Dey and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Optics Communications, 129110 (2022); doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2022.129110

  7. "Numerical investigations on photonic nanojet coupled plasmonic system for photonic applications", Tulika Agrawal, Soumyodeep Dey, Shubhayan Bhattacharya, Gurvinder Singh and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Journal of Optics 24, No. 4, 044008 (2022); doi.org/10.1088/2040-8986/ac4d73

  8. "Probing heteroatoms co-doped graphene quantum dots for energy transfer and 2-photon assisted applications", Vijay Kumar Sagar, Soumyodeep Dey, Shubhayan Bhattacharya, Pooria Lesani, Yogambha Ramaswamy, Gurvinder Singh, Hala Zreiqat and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Volume 423 (113618), (2022); doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2021.113618

  9. "Optical characterization of graphene-f-o-phenylenediamine and charge transfer interaction with organic dye", Vijay Kumar Sagar, Shubhayan Bhattacharya, Soumyodeep Dey and Prem Ballabh Bisht, Carbon 166, 15-25 (2020); doi.org /10.1016/j.carbon.2020.05.026


  1. “Generation of supercontinuum with nJ pulses in 450-1700nm range”, Soumyodeep Dey, Sudhakara Reddy Bongu, and Prem Ballabh Bisht, 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, (2016); doi.org /10.1364/PHOTONICS.2016.Th3A.30

  2. "Thermal and optical nonlinearity due to broadened femtosecond nJ pulses at high repetition rate", Soumyodeep Dey, Sudhakara Reddy Bongu, and Prem Ballabh Bisht, AIP Conference Proceedings 2244, 060006 (2020); doi.org /10.1063/5.0009060


  1. “Zero dispersion wavelength shift in solid core photonic crystal fibre” in National Laser Symposium (NLS-26), BARC, Mumbai, S. Dey, S. R. Bongu and P. B. Bisht, Dec-19-24, (2017)

  2. “Transient Absorption Spectroscopy with White Light Continuum Generated with nJ Femtosecond Pulses” in National Laser Symposium (NLS-26), BARC, Mumbai, S. Dey, S. R. Bongu and P. B. Bisht, Dec-19-24, (2017)

  3. “Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibre on pumping with fs laser pulses”, S. Dey, S. R. Bongu, P. B. Bisht in International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (ICAST-2018),Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, India, September 3-4, (2018)

  4. “Effects of Pump Pulse-duration on Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Crystal Fibre”, S. Dey , S. R. Bongu, P. B. Bisht, (70) Photonics 2018, Dec 12-15, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India (2018)


  1. Participated in the Science and Technology Exhibition 2011 organized by the IEEE Calcutta University Student Branch.

  2. Participated in a UGC sponsored National Seminar on Quantum Mechanics: Inception, Evolution and Future organized by Department of Physics, Narasinha Dutta College, Howrah in collaboration with Seth Anandram Jaipuria College, Kolkata in a three-day workshop.

  3. Participated in West Bengal Science & Technology Congress in a two day workshop organized by Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur in collaboration with West Bengal Science & Technology Department, Government of West Bengal.



Academic - Experimental

Femtosecound Oscillator
2015 - Present

Femtosecound Amplifier
2016 - Present

Laser optics, alignment, picosecond lasers
2015 - Present

Academic - Data Analysis and Programming

C Programming
2010 - 2016

MathWorks MATLAB
2014 - 2019

2018 - Present

Origin Pro Software
2014 - Present

COMSOL Multiphysics
2017 - Present

2016 - Present

2018 - Present


Microcontroller (Arduino) & Electronics
2014 - Present

Autodesk Maya
2014 - 2018

2018 - Present

Web development (HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery)
2017 - Present

About Me

I was born on 25th June, 1992 in a small town, Arambagh located about 100 km from Kolkata, West Bengal. I have done my schooling in my home town. I grew my interest in science during my higher secondary education. I am always interested in photography, indian classical music, computer animation and video editing.


Soumyodeep Dey
Room No: B14, School of Metallurgy and Materials
University of Birmingham
Elm Rd, Birmingham B15 2SE, UK
Email : s.dey.1@bham.ac.uk